1. Legal information

The www.labourdaisière.com website is managed and published by La Bourdaisière SAS, located at 25, rue de La Bourdaisière 37270 Montlouis sur Loire, France.

Site hosting: Nuxit Groupe magic Online https://www.nuxit.com

2. Intellectual property

This entire site is protected by intellectual property law. All rights reserved. All visual, textual and audio elements on the www.labourdaisière.com website are the exclusive property of La Bourdaisière. The photographs on this site are the exclusive property of the Deyrolle Group. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, modification or use is strictly prohibited.

The photographs used on this site are original photographs taken by xxx xxxx

The reproduction of all or part of this site or its components, on any medium whatsoever, by any process whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the express written authorization of DEYROLLE, and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The La Bourdaisière brand is a registered trademark.

Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks without the express written permission of La Bourdaisière is prohibited under Articles L 713-2 and L 713-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code and would constitute an infringement.